5710 Flail Mower/Shredder
As an experienced flail mower manufacturer, Hiniker has crafted 5710 Flail Mower/Shredder as the ideal machine for mowing, defoliating, and residue shredding operations. Its 32-Knife flail cylinder cuts a big 6 foot (1.83 M) swath through grass, weeds, or crop residues. High-vacuum cupped knives create plenty of suction to draw material up off the ground, assuring neat and thorough mowing and shredding. Cutting height is easily adjusted with either a manual ratchet jack or a hydraulic cylinder. And all Hiniker 5710’s include constant-velocity P.T.O. drive shafts and overrunning driveline clutches as standard equipment, to protect driveline components from excess wear and tear during turns and when shutting down the P.T.O.